On September 17, 2021, our friends and partners at the Patient Safety Movement Foundation are hosting this free virtual event that we hope you'll join:
#uniteforsafecare Virtual Event 2021
PSMF is hosting this event in conjunction with World Patient Safety Day, established by the World Health Organization to promote global action to prevent and reduce avoidable harm in health care. Please review some facts that the PSMF has shared about the need to improve patient safety.
If you can't attend the event live, the recording will be available on YouTube. I'll be taking notes that I'll share here in a future blog post.
The #uniteforsafecare virtual event has been approved to provide 2.0 continuing education credits for physicians (CME), nurses (CNE), pharmacists (CPE), certified professionals in patient safety (CPPS), healthcare executives (ACHE), certified professionals in healthcare quality (CPHQ), and patient advocates (BCPA).
Medical errors claim the lives of more than 250,000 Americans each year. Discover the truth about preventable harm in #healthcare and learn how YOU can make your medical care safer. RSVP now for the free #uniteforsafecare virtual event: https://t.co/47P140Qrpu pic.twitter.com/smVyPpPvD7
— Patient Safety Movement Foundation (@PLAN4ZERO) August 24, 2021
Speakers include:
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
World Health Organization
Albert Wu
Professor of Health Policy and Management and Medicine
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Diane Perez
Medical Journalist
Univision, Galavision, Televisa
Nawarh Faran
Quality Management Coordinator
King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre
David B. Mayer
Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director
Patient Safety Movement Foundation, MedStar Institute for Quality and Safety
Listen to our "Habitual Excellence" podcast episode with Dr. Mayer:
An Auction to Support Patient Safety
The PSMF is running an auction to raise funds for their important work.
My co-author, Joe Swartz, and I have donated a signed copy of our book Healthcare Kaizen: Engaging Frontline Staff in Sustainable Continuous Improvements. Please bid today!
The winner also gets a 60-minute meet-and-greet Zoom meeting with the winning bidder" -- this can be a:
- Presentation for your team or organization
- A Q&A session with us
- A conversation about your continous improvement efforts
World Patient Safety Day
Friday is World Patient Safety Day 2021 -- learn more about this via the WHO.
The World Health Organization defines Patient Safety as:
“the absence of preventable harm to a patient during the process of health care and the reduction of risk of unnecessary harm associated with health care to an acceptable minimum. An acceptable minimum refers to the collective notions of given current knowledge, resources available and the context in which care was delivered weighed against the risk of non-treatment or other treatment.”
The objectives of the day, as stated by the WHO are:
Objectives of World Patient Safety Day 2021:
- Raise global awareness on the issues of maternal and newborn safety, particularly during childbirth.
- Engage multiple stakeholders and adopt effective and innovative strategies to improve maternal and newborn safety.
- Call for urgent and sustainable actions by all stakeholders to scale up efforts, reach the unreached and ensure safe maternal and newborn care, particularly during childbirth.
- Advocate the adoption of best practices at the point of care to prevent avoidable risks and harm to all women and newborns during childbirth.
Please watch this video (as shared by the PSMF) from our friends and partners at The Leapfrog Group:
Safety is Paramount to Us at Value Capture
At Value Capture, we believe that patient safety should be a precondition for all of our work. We recognize the need to improve patient safety each and every day, as we shared last year in this video:
Working toward ZERO
We all recently got these spiffy "ZERO" hats that are sold by the Patient Safety Movement Foundation.
The ZERO can stand for:
- ZERO harm to patients
- ZERO harm to caregivers
- ZERO preventable errors
- ZERO "naming, blaming, and shaming" when an error occurs
- We've been sharing photos on social media, and here's a collage of our team members sporting our caps:
We hope you'll join us -- on Friday and beyond -- as we continue to work really hard to work toward the "theoretical limits of performance," meaning ZERO harm. We'll get there one step at a time, one improvement at a time, and one culture shift at a time.
More On Preventable Medical Harm
Here is an infographic that was created by the Patient Safety Movement Foundation:

Written by Mark Graban
Mark Graban has served healthcare clients since 2005. Mark is internationally recognized as a leading author and speaker on Lean healthcare. His latest book is "The Mistakes That Make Us: Cultivating a Culture of Learning and Innovation."
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