I'm happy to announce that Ken Segel (Value Capture's CEO) and I have been invited to speak together at the Michigan Lean Consortium's annual conference in August (the 10th and the 11th).

Our keynote talk is titled:

Seizing the Workforce Safety Imperative & Opportunity: The “Playbook” of Paul O’Neill

Check out the free webinar version of this talk that we'll be presenting on October 18th. The recording will also be available afterward through this same link:

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Even though our work here at Value Capture is focused on healthcare organizations, we think this message of leading with safety will resonate with the conference audience comprised of Lean practitioners and leaders from multiple industries.

The learning objectives for our session (which includes the keynote talk and a follow-up breakout & discussion session) are:

  1. Create a gap analysis between a representative “current state” leadership playbook for workforce safety from most organizations with the framework demonstrated by Paul O’Neill [Keynote]
  2. Understand how to apply the playbook via case examples, from multiple industries, illustrating each critical component [Keynote]
  3. Develop a starting plan and hypothesis to “close the gap” between your institution’s “current state” and the O’Neill playbook [Breakout ]

Session Description [Keynote and Breakout] 

In healthcare and many other industries, the COVID crisis has damaged workers’ safety, physically and psychologically.  Every institution can rebuild trust with its workforce by dramatically growing its ability to keep them safe.   

Paul O’Neill, the former Alcoa CEO, US Treasury Secretary, healthcare safety pioneer, and Value Capture’s first non-executive Chairman, relentlessly demonstrated a leadership “playbook” that started with workforce safety as the lever to achieve habitual excellence, which produced world-leading results.   

The session will bring O’Neill’s approach to life for attending leaders by comparing typical practice in healthcare and other lagging industries with case examples from Alcoa and the very few institutions in healthcare that have attempted to apply it.   

By the close of the keynote and breakout, participating leaders will have formed a “starter plan” to begin to close the gap between their current leadership framework for workforce safety using the O’Neill approach as reference.    

Participants will be invited to create a simple gap analysis between a typical workforce safety approach and the O’Neill approach.  The material for this part of the seminar will be shared in various interactive approaches.   

In the breakouts, using interactive prompts and table-based discussions and share backs, participants will be invited to create a “first steps” plan to close gaps in their own specific approach to workforce safety using the “O’Neill-ian” playbook, including steps to explore the framework in more depth. 

We hope to see you there in beautiful Traverse City!

Download free Paul O'Neill "Playbook" eBook


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