The Value Capture Blog (3)
My Summary of the Paul O’Neill “Playbook for Habitual Excellence”
July 6, 2021Last year, I had the honor of compiling and editing three speeches by the late Paul O'Neill, Sr. into a book that we cal...
“Respect Every Individual” – The Obligation to Act
June 30, 2021The beating heart of Value Capture — our philosophy, our approach, our team — is respect. Not just respect in a kind of ...
Are You Creating and Improving These Three Systems for Your Organization?
June 28, 2021To achieve a state of habitual excellence, an organization needs to have three key systems in place: Work system Improve...
Treating EVERYBODY with Dignity and Respect, During Pride Month and Beyond
June 21, 2021During the month of June, now known and recognized as “Pride Month,” it’s important to step back to reflect on whether o...
Transformational Leadership Cannot be Delegated
June 15, 2021Leaders and employees throughout every healthcare organization know too well how precious time really is - and how often...
Value Capture Announces Partnership with the Patient Safety Movement Foundation
June 14, 2021Value Capture is pleased to announce their support of the Patient Safety Movement Foundation (PSMF) and their mission to...
Dr. David Mayer Discusses the Surgical Mistake that Dramatically Changed his Career
June 9, 2021“To err is human.” In other words, we all make mistakes, they are part of the human condition. The key, of course, is wh...
Coalition of 10 Healthcare CEOs Declares Workforce Safety to be "The Heart of Safety"
June 3, 2021At Value Capture, we were thrilled to see this headline in the publication Health Leaders: CEOS MAKE HEALTHCARE WORKER S...
Highlights From Our First Webinar: Pancake Syrup and Raking Leaves as a Path to Safety and Quality
May 27, 2021Michael Bundy will be a presenter at "Leading with Safety: Accelerating towards Habitual Excellence," the intensive semi...
Psychological Safety Means It's Safe to Ask for Help When You're Unsure
May 20, 2021Our definition of a phrase that's very important to us starts with: Psychological safety is “the belief that the environ...